Sustainability-related Compliance Reporting:
a. Collaborate with external subject matter experts (SMEs) to develop and implement processes and procedures to ensure compliance with divisional reporting requirements such as CSRD and CBAM regulation.
b. Coordinate with various Nexteer departments and functions to collect and analyze data required for sustainability-related compliance reporting and other non-financial reporting.
c. Prepare and submit accurate and timely sustainability-related compliance reports and other non-financial reports as per regulatory requirements.
d. Provide training and support to internal teams on sustainability-related compliance reporting requirements, including CSRD and CBAM.
e. Support the purchasing (GSM) department and other functions in the application of sustainable procurement practices, including organizing documents from suppliers (certificates, declarations and others). Provide support in the context of supplier due diligence, including processes and procedures for the assessment of the ESG practices and performance of Nexteer’s supply chain.
f. Coordinate the collection and analysis of divisional ESG and CSR data, monitor the implementation of ESG and CSR goals and ensure accurate internal reporting.
g. Design specific instructions and other internal documents in relations to the implementation of Nexteer’s ESG and CSR strategies, while considering the specific nature of Nexteer.
h. Prepare the ESG and CSR strategies for the EMEASA Division in coordination with Nexteer’s Corporate strategies.
i. Address the key new regulatory challenges in the field of ESG.
Trade Compliance:
k. Oversee and manage trade compliance activities, ensuring adherence to international trade laws and regulations.
l. Develop and implement trade compliance policies and procedures.
m. Conduct regular audits and assessments of trade compliance processes.
n. Coordinate with external agencies and regulatory bodies on trade compliance matters.
o. Provide guidance and support to internal teams on trade compliance issues.
Project Management:
p. Lead cross-functional teams and coordinate with external SMEs to achieve compliance objectives.
q. Develop project plans, timelines, and budgets for compliance initiatives.
r. Track project progress and ensure timely completion of tasks.
s. Communicate project status and updates to senior management and stakeholders.
t. Identify and mitigate risks associated with compliance projects.
Nexteer Automotive jest globalnym koncernem motoryzacyjnym, który czerpie z ponad 100-letniego doświadczenia w produkcji systemów sterowania. Nasza praca zwiększa bezpieczeństwo i komfort prowadzenia milionów kierowców na całym świecie.
Skupiamy się na dostarczaniu przyjaznych dla środowiska systemów sterowania i układów napędowych, zoptymalizowanych pod kątem maksymalnej wydajności i całkowitej integracji pojazdu. Na całym świecie zatrudniamy 12 000 osób, które łączy pasja do tworzenia innowacyjnych systemów kierowniczych.
Pracę w Nexteer porównujemy do sportu zespołowego, którego zasady są proste: działamy z wielkim zapałem i dużym poczuciem obowiązku. Budujemy silne relacje, aby sprostać każdemu wyzwaniu. Dzięki wiarygodnemu dialogowi, czerpiemy z doświadczeń innych oraz liczymy się ze zdaniem naszych współpracowników. Czy jesteś gotów przyłączyć się do naszego zespołu?