Starszy Specjalista ds. Strategii Komunikacji B2B (Praca na czas określony)
  • Warsaw
Starszy Specjalista ds. Strategii Komunikacji B2B (Praca na czas określony)
Warszawa, Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Polska
30. 1. 2025
Informacje o stanowisku

This job is with Warner Bros. Discovery, an inclusive employer and a member of myGwork – the largest global platform for the LGBTQ+ business community. Please do not contact the recruiter directly.

Welcome to Warner Bros. Discovery... the stuff dreams are made of.

Who We Are...

When we say, "the stuff dreams are made of," were not just referring to the world of wizards, dragons and superheroes, or even to the wonders of Planet Earth. Behind WBDs vast portfolio of iconic content and beloved brands, are the storytellers bringing our characters to life, the creators bringing them to your living rooms and the dreamers creating whats next...

From brilliant creatives, to technology trailblazers, across the globe, WBD offers career defining opportunities, thoughtfully curated benefits, and the tools to explore and grow into your best selves. Here you are supported, here you are celebrated, here you can thrive.

Przewidywane zastępstwo do 05.2026

Opis zadań:

  • wsparcie w kształtowaniu spójnej i efektywnej strategii komunikacji B2B w oparciu o cele biznesowe Biura Reklamy
  • realizacja projektów marketingowych mających na celu promowanie marek, formatów, platform i kanałów należących do TVN WBD poprzez organizację kampanii reklamowych/produkcję materiałów reklamowych i promocyjnych/organizację eventów marketingowych
  • kontakt z opiekunami produktowymi w celu identyfikacji kluczowych potrzeb biznesowych i przekuwanie ich na rozwiązania komunikacyjne B2B
  • wsparcie strategiczne zespołu realizacji w ramach akcji promocyjnych B2B
  • kontakt z mediami i kluczowymi podmiotami branżowymi w celu zapewnienia realizacji projektów komunikacyjnych B2B
  • zapewnienie komunikacji B2B w ramach wydarzeń i konferencji branżowych (pomoc w przygotowaniu talking points, scenariuszy, tematów pod prelekcje)
  • zapewnienie właściwego obiegu dokumentów oraz kontroli kosztów i wydatków w danej komórce organizacyjnej
  • koordynacja komunikacji wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej odnośnie planowanych wydarzeń
  • prowadzenie i kontrola nad harmonogramem realizowanych aktywności B2B
  • aktywne poszukiwanie inspiracji w realizacjach branżowych z kraju i ze świata


  • 2-3 lata doświadczenia w obszarze marketingu/sprzedaży (preferowane w firmie mediowej)
  • zaawansowana znajomość języka angielskiego (poziom C1)
  • znajomość środowiska Office
  • umiejętność pracy w dynamicznym środowisku oraz priorytetyzacji zadań
  • ciekawość branży mediowej/eventowej

Your Role Accountabilities...

  • Support in shaping a cohesive and effective B2B communication strategy based on the business goals of the Advertising Office.
  • Implement marketing projects aimed at promoting brands, formats, platforms, and channels owned by TVN WBD through organizing advertising campaigns, producing promotional materials, and organizing marketing events.
  • Contact with product managers to identify key business needs and translate them into B2B communication solutions.
  • Strategic support for the execution team in B2B promotional actions.
  • Contact with media and key industry players to ensure the execution of B2B communication projects.
  • Ensure B2B communication at industry events and conferences (assist in preparing talking points, scripts, and topics for presentations).
  • Ensure proper document flow, as well as cost and expense control within the organizational unit.
  • Coordinate internal and external communication regarding planned events.
  • Lead and monitor the schedule of B2B activities.
  • Actively seek inspiration from industry projects both domestically and internationally.

Qualifications & Experience...

  • 2-3 years of experience in marketing/sales (preferably in a media company).
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1 level).
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office.
  • Ability to work in a dynamic environment and prioritize tasks.
  • Curiosity about the media/event industry.

Hybrid Working - This role is advertised as a Hybrid work model, that combines remote and in-office work, following our current company policy and to be agreed with your Line Manager. Subject to any applicable laws, WBD / your Line Manager reserves the right to change this working agreement where this is essential to business needs and upon reasonable notice to you.

How We Get Things Done...

This last bit is probably the most important! Here at WBD, our guiding principles are the core values by which we operate and are central to how we get things done. You can find them at www.wbd.com/guiding-principles/ along with some insights from the team on what they mean and how they show up in their day to day. We hope they resonate with you and look forward to discussing them during your interview.

Championing Inclusion at WBD

Warner Bros. Discovery embraces the opportunity to build a workforce that reflects the diversity of our society and the world around us. Being an equal opportunity employer means that we take seriously our responsibility to consider qualified candidates on the basis of merit, regardless of sex, gender identity, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marital status, pregnancy, parenthood, disability or any other category protected by law.

If youre a qualified candidate with a disability and you require adjustments or accommodations during the job application and/or recruitment process, please visit our accessibility page for instructions to submit your request.


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