Senior Oracle SOA Developer
  • Warsaw
Senior Oracle SOA Developer
Warszawa, Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Polska
7N Sp. z o.o.
23. 5. 2024
Informacje o stanowisku

Senior Oracle SOA Developer

Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

Technologies we use


  • Oracle
  • PL/SQL
  • Java


  • Oracle Integration Cloud

About the project

We are looking for Integrations developer to be part of our team which is responsible (but not limited to) for developing and maintaining integrations between various applications company is using to run the business.

As a retail business company with long history, many support offices and thousands of stores around the globe it is not a surprise that application and technology portfolio is fairly wide - from top-new digital platforms to large ERP accounting systems, from presence in public clouds, using newest beta services to on-site server based CRM applications. Our talent is to fulfill any demand if it gives value disregard how different the applications we are integrating might be.

Your responsibilities

  • Contributing in all phases of the development lifecycle
  • Write well designed, testable, efficient code
  • Support continuous improvement by investigating alternatives and technologies
  • Design and develop high-quality integrations using Oracle SOA Suite (BPEL, OSB,
  • Mediator, etc.) to meet business requirements.
  • Work closely with business analysts, architects, and stakeholders to understand and refine integration requirements.
  • Develop and maintain comprehensive documentation for all developed integrations, including design documents, mapping documents, and deployment guides.
  • Perform unit testing, integration testing, and assist with user acceptance testing to ensure the solutions meet business needs and are error-free.
  • Deploy integration solutions in development, testing, and production environments, adhering to best practices and compliance requirements.
  • Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize performance of integration solutions.
  • Provide technical support and guidance for integration-related issues to IT support teams and business users.
  • Stay abreast of the latest developments in Oracle SOA technologies and integration trends to recommend improvements and enhancements

Our requirements

  • Computer Science / IT / Oracle SOA Developer experience
  • Knowledge of Oracle Database and PL/SQL.
  • Define, design, and implement complex composites using BPEL, Oracle JDeveloper, XML/XSLT, Java, SOAP, REST, HTTPS
  • Experience implementing security, logging, auditing, user notifications, custom exception handling mechanisms and SOA Fault policies
  • Strong code review skills
  • Good English skills both spoken and written


  • Understanding of retail business processes
  • Experience with Oracle Integration Cloud
  • Experience with public clouds
  • Experience with containerized applications
  • Experience in test automation for unit and integration testing

This is how we organize our work

This is how we work

  • in house

This is how we work on a project

  • integration tests
  • unit tests

Development opportunities we offer

  • assistance in preparation to public speeches
  • conferences abroad
  • conferences in Poland
  • development budget
  • external training
  • industry-specific e-learning platforms
  • intracompany training
  • mentoring
  • soft skills training
  • substantive support from technological leaders
  • support of IT events
  • technical knowledge exchange within the company

What we offer

  • Financial transparency: the salary is: 30 240 - 36 960 PLN (180 - 220 PLN/h) + VAT
  • Professional development support. We subsidize trainings, technical certificates, conference participation, and foreign language classes. Additionally, 7N Consultants have opportunities to take part in internal training sessions and develop their interpersonal skills within the framework of the 7N Secret Code
  • Access to e-learning platforms: internal – 7N Academy with recordings of technical trainings (e.g. AWS, Azure, AI, DevOps, Data Science, etc.), inspiring webinars (e.g. healthy eating, personal finance, language learning, etc.), and external platforms: Coursea, Mentorix
  • Cloud Path - a development program that includes online trainings on AWS and Azure, ending in a certification exam. Each participant receives access to e-learning platforms: Microsoft ESI, Google Cloud Platform
  • An opportunity to join 7N Inspiration Team - a group of 7N Consultants who consistently and actively share their professional knowledge and expertise
  • Career Development Program – a mentoring program that includes exploring your individual predispositions and preferences for career paths; providing insight into the latest trends and valuable positions in the IT industry. Participants meet with Career Agents and/or 7N Mentors
  • Cooperation with real experts – the average professional experience of a 7N consultant is 10 years
  • Comprehensive and personal project support from one of a 7N Agent. Priority regarding project continuity and quality
  • Numerous (10-12 each year) high-end events – both online and offline
  • Healthcare, Benefit Multisport and life insurance subsidies regardless of cooperation model. Access to Mindgram, a psychological support and professional development platform
  • Professional and quality-oriented recruitment process led by the most experienced recruiters in the industry


  • sharing the costs of sports activities
  • private medical care
  • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
  • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
  • life insurance
  • integration events
  • employee referral program
  • access to internal trainings – 7N Academy
  • Cloud Path – cloud development program
  • access to external e-learning platforms
  • Microsoft ESI
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Coursea
  • Mentorix
  • career development program
  • technical training
  • inspirational training
  • numerous high-end events
  • access to the Mindgram platform
  • 7N Inspiration Team

7N Sp. z o.o.

7N provides top-notch care to the best IT experts. The relationship with our consultants is based on professionalism, mutual respect, and transparent financial conditions.

While working with us, you can expect the support of a dedicated agent who will support you in your career development, personal growth, and entertainment aspects. In this way, you can focus on the things that you care about the most in your life.

We work with 1600 consultants and 160 clients worldwide. You can find us in 14 offices in 7 countries: Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, USA, and India.

We are a Danish IT consulting company with over 30 years of experience. Our expertise focuses on helping our clients in all aspects of IT projects in the public and private sectors.

We aim to work with the top 3% of IT professionals, keeping up with the Scandinavian standards.

In Poland, we work with more than 1000 consultants in 3 cities: Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.

Klikając w przycisk „Aplikuj” lub w inny sposób wysyłając zgłoszenie rekrutacyjne, zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych przez 7N Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w: Puławska 182, 02-670 Warszawa (Pracodawca), jako administratora danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia rekrutacji na stanowisko wskazane w ogłoszeniu.
Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w oparciu o następujące podstawy prawne: (a) aby podjąć działania na Twoje żądanie przed zawarciem umowy (np. informacje o oczekiwanym wynagrodzeniu i dostępności do rozpoczęcia pracy); (b) w oparciu o nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes (np. imię, nazwisko, data urodzenia, dane kontaktowe, wykształcenie, kwalifikacje zawodowe, przebieg dotychczasowego zatrudnienia); c) w oparciu o Twoją zgodę, która wyrażona jest poprzez przeslanie dokumentów aplikacyjnych zawierających takie informacje jak np. wizerunek czy zainteresowania.
Podanie wszystkich danych osobowych, o których mowa powyżej jest dobrowolne, natomiast dane wymienione w lit. a) i b) są niezbędne do wzięcia udziału w rekrutacji. Niepodanie danych skutkuje brakiem możliwości rozpatrzenia kandydatury. Podanie pozostałych danych jest dobrowolne, ale może pomóc w sprawnym przeprowadzeniu procesu rekrutacji.
Masz prawo żądać dostępu do Twoich danych (w tym uzyskania ich kopii), sprostowania danych, ich usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, przeniesienia, jak również wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec ich przetwarzania. Masz także prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.
Twoje dane osobowe mogą zostać przekazane dostawcom usługi publikacji ogłoszeń o pracę, dostawcom systemów do zarządzania rekrutacjami, dostawcom usług IT (hosting), dostawcom systemów informatycznych.
Podane przez Ciebie dane osobowe nie będą wykorzystywane w celu profilowania albo podejmowania decyzji w sposób zautomatyzowany.
Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane przez okres maks. 1 roku od zakończenia publikacji ogłoszenia, chyba, że wyraziłeś odrębną zgodę na wykorzystanie Twoich danych osobowych w przyszłych rekrutacjach.
W celu realizacji praw lub w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z przetwarzaniem Twoich danych osobowych skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem: migol@7n.com.

  • Praca Warszawa
  • Warszawa - Oferty pracy w okolicznych lokalizacjach

    76 147
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