Do you want to turn the challengesof digitization into the solutions of the future? Join us in tackling the coreIT issues of leading global companies. Deploy customized platforms,architectures, strategies, and organizations to leverage the digital potentialof our customers and drive true innovation, with state-of-the-art tools such ascloud computing, AI, blockchain, microservices, and containerization. Add yourindividual strengths to our unique team, always there to support you. Togetherwith Boston Consulting Group and our clients, we turn digital visions intoreality.
Senior IT Consultant
in Warsaw
Shape the world oftomorrow
▪Youll shape the digital transformation of globally leading companieswhile maintaining a clear view of overall technical solutions and individualclient circumstances
▪ Youll drive groundbreaking projects forward by using agile methods andmodern approaches within the scope of strategic IT implementation for clientsand by actively steering the relevant modules
▪ Youll smooth the path for tailored, future-oriented customer journeysbased on precise analysis of the specific situation and with current marketdevelopments and trends such as machine learning in mind
▪ Youll design and optimize unique IT architectures within the frameworkof enterprise solution requirements, modern custom software developments, andsustainable digital solutions, including cyber resilience.
You can help us make a difference if:
▪ You completed a degree in computer science, (business) informatics, or arelated discipline with higher-than-average grades
▪ You have at least four years of relevant experience in IT consulting, inthe course of which you implemented transformation and implementation projectsin terms of both strategy and operations
▪ You also have experience in leading project teams of more than threepeople
▪ You know exactly what the buzzwords machine learning, cyber resilience,DevOps, agile, AI, and robotics mean
▪ You are familiar with all the stages of development for successful ITorganizations and IT processes.
▪ You know exactly how to put together complex business cases
▪ You feel particularly comfortable in interdisciplinary teams and globalcontexts and are flexible and willing to travel
▪ Youre good at understanding and communicating complex topics in bothPolish and English.
How to grow with us
We guarantee constant newdevelopment incentives in an open and rewarding work environment. Youll face challenges every day togetherwith a dedicated team of talented colleagues. Individual training offers and aculture of open feedback will provide the framework you need to explore andperfect your own strengths. Our modern structures enable you to stay focused.This includes easy travel booking, our excellent back-office support andcomprehensive Knowledge Center. With our regular office Fridays and legendaryevents, we cultivate a strong and close team network from which you will alsoprofit beyond your case work.