Senior Account Manager (Phalaenopsis, Roses, Green Plants)
  • Warsaw
Senior Account Manager (Phalaenopsis, Roses, Green Plants)
Warszawa, Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Polska
Ceres |Selected People in Food & Agri|
2. 2. 2025
Informacje o stanowisku

Senior Account Manager (Phalaenopsis, Roses, Green Plants)

Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

Recruitment for

Our Client is a thriving family company with several generations of tradition, being the largest Polish producer of flowers and ornamental plants, and one of the leading phalaenopsis producers in Europe. The company employs 400 people. In 2020, the company received the prestigious "Family Company of the Year 2020" award from Forbes magazine. GROWING LASTING EMOTIONS is the company’s motto.

Its greenhouse complex with a total area of 18 ha, located in Stężyca, is one of the most modern in Europe and has been equipped with comprehensive technological facilities and a cogeneration system, allowing production to be sustainable and self-sufficient in terms of electricity and heat generation. The company specializes in the production of the highest quality orchids, roses and green plants. The company also manages Polands largest own wholesale network, with 9 branches supplying the best Polish florists and retail chains with fresh flowers. The company exports to over 18 European countries.

Due to the further dynamic development of the company, we are currently recruiting for the position of Senior Account Manager (Retail) to further develop the sales in Poland and towards European countries.

If you have successful experience with sales of premium ornamentals to supermarkets, wholesalers or/and garden centres, national and/or international, and you enjoy making people happy by SELLING LASTING EMOTIONS in Poland and across Europe, this role is written for you!

Your responsibilities

  • Grow and manage the sales towards supermarkets, wholesalers and garden centres in Europe.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with supermarkets and retail clients, understanding their specific needs, establishing effective cooperation and creating demand for the company’s portfolio of orchids, cut roses, anthurium and green plants.
  • Implementation of a business development strategy with key clients and realisation of sales plans to modern trade channels, and to online marketplaces like Floriday and FloraHolland.
  • Identify new business opportunities and actively pursue leads to expand the customer base within the supermarket and retail sectors (national or international).
  • Conduct regular market research to stay informed about industry trends, customer preferences, and competitor activities in the orchid market.
  • Collection and analysis of data on the market potential in Poland and abroad.
  • Searching for new markets and customers.
  • Keep close contact with production departments to discuss production volumes and qualities, and to communicate trends in the market.
  • Prepare offers, presentations and events for customers. Showcase the diverse orchid range and unique selling propositions.
  • Collaborate with the marketing team to create and execute promotional strategies that enhance the visibility of the company’s orchid products in stores.
  • Work closely with logistics and supply chain teams to ensure timely delivery and optimal inventory management.
  • The Senior Account Manager closely cooperates with and reports to the Board.

Employer requirements


Pro-active & sales driven Account Manager with a strong retail network and used of selling premium products.


• Higher education, with several years of experience in working as (Key) Account Manager towards modern channels (sales experience of ornamentals is definitely an asset).

• Fluency in Polish and English.

• Dutch or any other Western European language is an additional advantage.

• MS Office proficiency.

• Driving license B and willingness to travel frequently.

• Willingness to relocate within a 2hr drive from the company’s HQ in Poland (in the future).


• Excellent negotiation, analytical, project & client management skills.

• Ability to build sales and budget plans.

• Committed and goal oriented, able to work independent and pro-active.

• Ability to persuade others, reaching creative and effective solutions.

• Able to keep the helicopter view and to handle multiple projects simultaneously.

• Natural leadership and people management skills.

What employer offers

An interesting and challenging career opportunity in an innovative and ambitious company. The company is a leading European ornamentals producer, where values such as diligence, development, team spirit, respect, openness and entrepreneurship are considered natural. The position offers a high level of autonomy and room for personal initiative, and you will become an integral part of a motivated, ambitious and friendly team. The company offers an attractive remuneration package with many benefits.


  • private medical care
  • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
  • life insurance
  • remote work opportunities
  • flexible working time
  • corporate products and services at discounted prices
  • integration events
  • mobile phone available for private use
  • corporate car available for private use
  • computer available for private use
  • retirement pension plan
  • extra social benefits


Hybrid work with frequent travelling. In future – it is required to relocate within a 2hr drive from thecompany’s HQ in Poland.

Ceres |Selected People in Food & Agri|

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