Sales Manager | Open Field Vegetable Seeds
  • Poznań
Sales Manager | Open Field Vegetable Seeds
Poznań, Poznań, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Polska
Ceres |Selected People in Food & Agri|
26. 5. 2024
Informacje o stanowisku

Sales Manager | Open Field Vegetable Seeds

Miejsce pracy: Poznań

Recruitment for

Our Client is the Polish subsidiary of an independent leading breeding company of vegetable varieties with headquarters in the Netherlands. The company employs over 2.500 people worldwide and has an annual turnover of above € 300 million. The companys global breeding efforts focus on over 30 vegetable species, 1,200 varieties and 100 new introductions annually, which are grown in greenhouses, tunnels and/or outdoor. The company continuously invests thirty percent of its turnover in research and development so as to be able to offer people all over the world access to healthy, varied vegetables.

Polish headquarters is located in Warsaw. The most important open field products on the Polish market are e.g. seeds of lettuce and endives, radishes, cabbage, onion, leeks and peppers. Due to the strong development on the Polish market and in order to guarantee the continuation of the sustainable and profitable growth of the company, our client is looking to reinforce their team with a Sales Manager - Open Field Vegetable Seeds.

Are you passionate about sales, team and product development? The role of Sales Manager is a dynamic position at the intersection of sales, leadership and entrepreneurship. As a Sales Manager you will play a crucial role in the development and sales of various crops, taking responsibility for the positioning of new varieties.

Your responsibilities

  • Manage the company’s seeds sales in the professional open field vegetable sector in Poland.
  • Take up the commercial responsibility for all open field crop segments within Poland. Be responsible for budgeting, forecasting, pricing policies, purchase planning and marketing.
  • Develop and implement a sales strategy for the open field vegetable portfolio and sales activities that contribute to the company objectives.
  • Manage and work with the team of sales representatives, marketing and product developers to promote and sell varieties and to maintain close contact with customers.
  • Develop, coach and guide the sales team, forecast and set team goals (per crop and variety) and provide support and ideas to meet the planned sales targets.
  • Collect market and customer data for the development of market and marketing plans.
  • Undertake visits and maintain contacts with existing and potential key customers (growers and seeds distributors).
  • By actively listening to the sales team, you translate ideas into commercial and creative actions to further assist existing customers and to open new doors.
  • Forecast and continuously adapt to the actual sales to assure a well measured purchase planning for the seeds deriving from the Netherlands.
  • Develop and implement a sales and marketing strategy to launch new products.
  • Follow market developments in the field and through professional journals. Initiate projects to grow the sales of the product portfolio.
  • Together with the Sales Manager Indoor Crops, the Finance & Operational Manager and the General Manager Poland you will contribute to the overall strategy and development of the company in Poland.

Employer requirements

  • A commercial and team-oriented sales manager with affinity for horticulture.
  • Master Degree, preferably in agribusiness.
  • Min. 5 years of commercial and managerial experience within the agricultural sector, deep understanding of the vegetables sector is definitely a strong asset.
  • Native Polish and good communicative English.
  • Driving license cat. B.
  • Ability to manage, motivate and inspire a team, easily establishing relationships within the organization, speaking the language of growers and the supply chain.
  • Entrepreneurial, independent and taking initiative to drive business.
  • Easily adapting to changes, open minded, analytical mind-set.
  • Very good and clear communication skills, strong leadership and people management skills.
  • Team player mentality and high interpersonal skills, able to work in cross-functional teams.

What employer offers

An interesting and challenging job opportunity at a growing international player in the field of vegetable seeds. The company offers a high values company culture and an attractive working atmosphere, with plenty of space for personal initiative. Team results come on first place. You will play a crucial role in the Sales & Marketing team in Poland and will enjoy the possibility to create and implement your ideas with a high level of autonomy. The company offers a market competitive remuneration package with all tools necessary to do your job.


  • private medical care
  • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
  • life insurance
  • remote work opportunities
  • integration events
  • mobile phone available for private use
  • corporate car available for private use
  • computer available for private use
  • retirement pension plan

Place of Work

Warsaw (combination with Home Office is possible) + travelling in Poland.


Our Client has outsourced the Recruitment and Selection for the Sales Manager Poland - Open Field Vegetable Seeds exclusively to CeresRecruitment Polska. Please send your application (CV) in English. For further information, please contact Koen Lecluyse on +48 696 307 999.

Ceres |Selected People in Food & Agri|

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