Master Data Specialist
  • Kórnik
Master Data Specialist
Kórnik, Kórnik, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Polska
Rockwool Global Business Service Center
16. 3. 2025
Informacje o stanowisku

Master Data Specialist

Miejsce pracy: Poznań

Technologies we use


  • SAP

Operating system

  • Windows

Your responsibilities

  • Building Data Governance for Master Data objects in scope of Group Operations and Technology.
  • Analyzing existing processes to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
  • Designing new workflows, procedures, and manuals.
  • Collaborating with GSP members to improve procurement processes.
  • Ensuring data accuracy, consistency, and completeness through validation and cleaning.
  • Identifying and eliminating duplicate data entries to reduce errors and enhance reliability.
  • Creating and building visual representations of data to effectively convey information.
  • Facilitating a better understanding of procurement metrics through data analysis.
  • Managing and maintaining procurement master data.
  • Monitoring processes, collecting feedback, and tracking performance to ensure long-term improvements.
  • Creating and updating process manuals, instructions, and documentation of procurement tools and methodologies.
  • Generating regular reports and sharing key findings and performance metrics with stakeholders.
  • Organizing training sessions and knowledge-sharing initiatives for the procurement team.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders across departments to align procurement master data activities with organizational goals.
  • Participating in cross-functional projects and providing procurement data insights.
  • Building open and transparent communication with GSP and other departments.
  • Ensuring effective information exchange and alignment of procurement activities with broader organizational objectives.

Our requirements

  • Knowledge of Master Data Objects, with particular attention to Vendor and Material
  • Knowledge of setup of Finished Goods and Spare Parts
  • Relevant business degree
  • 5 + years experience, ideally within analysis, tools and process areas and/or procurement in production companies or other relevant industries
  • Experience working with ERP system, preferably with SAP
  • Strategic thinking
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Strong process and digital capabilities
  • Proven track record for delivering sustainable results
  • Strong collaboration and stakeholder management skills with proven track record
  • Written and spoken English on a high professional business level
  • International experience
  • Advanced analytics skills
  • Change Management skills
  • Data visualization skills

What we offer

By joining our team, you become a part of the people-centric work environment of a Danish company. We offer you a competitive salary, permanent contract after the probation period, development package, team building events, activity-based office in Poznan’s city center in the new prestigious office building – Nowy Rynek. The building is recognized as a building without barriers, which means that it is fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

Our compensation package on employment contracts includes:

•An office-first approach: home office is available up to 2 days per week

•Adaptable Hours: start your workday anytime between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM

•Home office subsidy

•Private Medical Care

•Multikafeteria MyBenefit

•Wellbeing program

•Extra Day Off for voluntary activities

… and while in the office you can also use modern office space with beautiful view and high standard furniture, bicycle parking facilities & showers, chill-out rooms with PlayStation, football table, pool table, board games, subsidized canteen with delicious food & fruit.


  • sharing the costs of sports activities
  • private medical care
  • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
  • life insurance
  • remote work opportunities
  • flexible working time
  • fruits
  • corporate products and services at discounted prices
  • integration events
  • corporate sports team
  • no dress code
  • video games at work
  • coffee / tea
  • drinks
  • leisure zone
  • holiday funds
  • redeployment package
  • christmas gifts
  • employee referral program
  • charity initiatives
  • family picnics
  • Loyalty award for working in Rockwool for 3 years

Your future team:

  • You will join the Master Data, Group Operation and Technology (GOT) team which is responsible for providing expertise in data analysis and master data process improvement to support decision making and streamline procurement operations. You will join a team consisting of a Manager, an Expert, a Junior Specialist, and an Intern.

Diverse and Inclusive Culture

  • We want all our people to feel valued, respected, included and heard. We employ 79 different nationalities worldwide and are committed to providing equal opportunities to all employees, promote diversity, and work against all forms of discrimination among ROCKWOOL employees.
  • At ROCKWOOL, you will experience a friendly team environment. Our culture is very important to us. In fact, we refer to our culture as “The ROCKWOOL Way”. This is the foundation in which we operate and is based upon our values of ambition, responsibility, integrity and efficiency.


  • If you recognize yourself in this profile and challenge, we kindly invite you to apply with CV written in English.

Rockwool Global Business Service Center

We are the world leader in stone wool solutions. Founded in 1937 in Denmark, we transform volcanic rock into safe, sustainable products that help people and communities thrive. We are a global company with more than 12,200 employees, located in 40+ countries with 51 manufacturing facilities… all focused on one common purpose – to release the natural power of stone to enrich modern living.

Sustainability is central to our business strategy. ROCKWOOL was one of the first companies to commit to actively contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework and are actively committed to 11 SDGs, including SDG 14, Life Below Water. Through our partnership with the One Ocean Foundation and in connection with our sponsorship of the ROCKWOOL Denmark SailGP team, we will help raise awareness around ocean health challenges in an effort to accelerate solutions to protect it.

Klikając w przycisk „Aplikuj” lub w inny sposób wysyłając zgłoszenie rekrutacyjne, zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych przez Rockwool Global Business Service Center Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w: Wierzbięcice 1B, 61-569 Poznań (Pracodawca), jako administratora danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia rekrutacji na stanowisko wskazane w ogłoszeniu.
Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w oparciu o następujące podstawy prawne: (a) aby podjąć działania na Twoje żądanie przed zawarciem umowy (np. informacje o oczekiwanym wynagrodzeniu i dostępności do rozpoczęcia pracy); (b) w oparciu o nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes (np. imię, nazwisko, data urodzenia, dane kontaktowe, wykształcenie, kwalifikacje zawodowe, przebieg dotychczasowego zatrudnienia); c) w oparciu o Twoją zgodę, która wyrażona jest poprzez przeslanie dokumentów aplikacyjnych zawierających takie informacje jak np. wizerunek czy zainteresowania.
Podanie wszystkich danych osobowych, o których mowa powyżej jest dobrowolne, natomiast dane wymienione w lit. a) i b) są niezbędne do wzięcia udziału w rekrutacji. Niepodanie danych skutkuje brakiem możliwości rozpatrzenia kandydatury. Podanie pozostałych danych jest dobrowolne, ale może pomóc w sprawnym przeprowadzeniu procesu rekrutacji.
Masz prawo żądać dostępu do Twoich danych (w tym uzyskania ich kopii), sprostowania danych, ich usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, przeniesienia, jak również wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec ich przetwarzania. Masz także prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.
Twoje dane osobowe mogą zostać przekazane dostawcom usługi publikacji ogłoszeń o pracę, dostawcom systemów do zarządzania rekrutacjami, dostawcom usług IT (hosting), dostawcom systemów informatycznych.
Podane przez Ciebie dane osobowe nie będą wykorzystywane w celu profilowania albo podejmowania decyzji w sposób zautomatyzowany.
Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane przez okres maks. 1 roku od zakończenia publikacji ogłoszenia, chyba, że wyraziłeś odrębną zgodę na wykorzystanie Twoich danych osobowych w przyszłych rekrutacjach.
W celu realizacji praw lub w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z przetwarzaniem Twoich danych osobowych skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem: poznan_recruitment@rockwool.com.

  • Praca Kórnik
  • Kórnik - Oferty pracy w okolicznych lokalizacjach

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