Want to take FPGA programming to a whole new level?
We develop modern ASIC/FPGA systems composed of dedicated logic IP cores as well as the software controlling them. We incorporate best practices from the software world into the digital development process by employing Continuous Integration workflows to perform simulation (e.g. Verilator, Icarus) verification (e.g. cocotb, UVM), run unit tests or check code coverage. We work with FPGA chips from vendors like AMD, Intel, Lattice, Microchip and use HDLs like SystemVerilog, Verilog, Chisel and VHDL.
As a Digital Design/FPGA developer you will be responsible for designing, implementing and testing data processing IP cores, balancing data transfers as well as designing and implementing interfaces for all the blocks in the system. You will work closely with our cross-functional engineering team to deliver high-performance, reliable solutions for ASIC/FPGA-based systems. On top of that you will be developing software - from bare metal firmware, through operating system drivers, up to user space applications interacting with the FPGA logic.
This is an onsite opportunity. For a list of offices see our locations pages.
If you meet the listed criteria and want to join our team, apply by filling in our application form.
If you are still studying full-time, but wish to apply for the position in the future, you can take an internship program with us.
We reserve the right to reply only to selected applications.