Wszystkie decyzje dotyczące zatrudnienia powinny być podejmowane bez względu na wiek, rasę, wyznanie, kolor skóry, religię, płeć, pochodzenie, status osoby niepełnosprawnej, status weterana, orientację seksualną, tożsamość lub ekspresję płciową, stan cywilny, status obywatelski lub jakąkolwiek inną podstawę chronioną przez prawo federalne, stanowe lub lokalne.
Kandydaci do pracy nie będą zobowiązani do ujawniania zatartych wyroków podczas procesu rekrutacji.
Accenture zależy na oferowaniu możliwości zatrudnienia weteranom – zarówno mężczyznom, jak i kobietom doświadczonym w służbie naszemu krajowi.
Intelligent Consulting Hub is a part of Europe Strategy & Consulting practice, pulling together multinational and cross-cultural professionals based at key locations across Europe. No matter what business, no matter where in the world, our unrivaled industry and function experts help our Clients to shape the future creating clearly defined, measurable value. We are delivering on the promise of technology and human ingenuity. Our Poland part of ICH Consulting Hub is located in Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław, Łódź and Gdańsk. Your impact will be truly global as you will leverage an unmatched network of people, knowledge, tools and technologies and work alongside some of the best thinkers in the market.
“Join our world class capabilities and experience unique opportunities to grow your skills with us.” – Małgorzata Nasiłowska, ICH Consulting Hub Lead
Accenture is a leading global professional services company that helps the world’s leading businesses, governments and other organizations build their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate revenue growth and enhance citizen services. We offer solutions and assets across Strategy & Consulting, Technology, Operations, Industry X and Accenture Song.
We believe in inclusion and diversity and supporting the whole person. Our core values comprise of Stewardship, Best People, Client Value Creation, One Global Network, Respect for the Individual and Integrity. Year after year, Accenture is recognized worldwide not just for business performance but for inclusion and diversity too.
“Across the globe, one thing is universally true of the people of Accenture: We care deeply about what we do and the impact we have with our clients and with the communities in which we work and live. It is personal to all of us.” – Julie Sweet, Accenture CEO