Bank has identified undesired non-financial risks outside risk appetite related to the ability of the bank to failover and run in the event of one data centre (DC) outage due to a physical event. Bank’s technical teams have identified technical limitations preventing the approved 2DC Mirroring architecture from working.2DC mirroring requires large amount of additional capacity from our Datacentres – mainly Space, Power, Cooling. Currently Datacentres are at capacity and new capacity will not be available in the size 2DC Mirroring requires. Bank is running at capacity limit for committed capacity for our Data Centers but has 20-30% potentially free capacity that can be free up. To install the new hardware, old one needs to be decommissioned to free up the Power (kW). Decommissioning old hardware requires time-consuming migration of currently installed applications to the new hardware and needs to be monitored and escalated by capacity management.
Exec summary:
Business analytics persons is required to support BCCM capacity manager with: