Broadband Verification Engineer
  • Katowice
Broadband Verification Engineer
Katowice, Katowice, Silesian Voivodeship, Polska
ADB Polska Sp. z o.o.
9. 6. 2024
Informacje o stanowisku

Broadband Verification Engineer

Miejsce pracy: Katowice

Technologies we use


  • Spirent
  • QA Cafe
  • Jira
  • VoIP
  • networking

About the project

We are looking for a Broadband Verification Engineer, who will be responsible for ensuring a high standard of quality for our Expanded Broadband Products software and software-intensive products like Gateways and Mesh Wifi Systems with epiCentro™ OS (especially in the area of networking and Wi-Fi/ Mesh solutions) on the final stage.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, we stand at the forefront of innovation, meticulously verifying broadband devices with cutting-edge technologies. Adhering to the highest international standards, we rigorously evaluate critical parameters using high-class devices like Spirent or QA Cafe solutions. You will be a part of this journey.

Your responsibilities

  • Execute test plans and test cases based on requirements, including test cases development,
  • Reporting on the status of tests and defects detected during testing,
  • Preparing and configuring test automation environment,
  • Evaluate the testing process and make recommendations as necessary,
  • Preparation of technical documentation,
  • Participate in knowledge sharing in your area of expertise,
  • Collaboration with team members in Poland and Italy,
  • Develop and expanding your skills.

Our requirements

  • Knowledge of networking and/or broadband domain – Do you know what networks, Wi-Fi, and Mesh are? Do you know and understand terms such as TCP, IP, IPv4, IPv6, WAN, xDSL, and xPON? Or maybe have you ever worked with broadband-related products? If so, this position is made for you! (OBLIGATORY REQUIREMENT),
  • Strong interpersonal, organizational, problem-solving skills, and detail orientation,
  • Self-development orientation – we want to help you grow by giving you support and the opportunity to find your way to success!
  • Knowledge of English and Polish – ADB is an international company and English is our language; the closest team communicates in Polish and English.


  • Work experience in the QA area,
  • Knowledge or experience in test automation and in using tools like Spirent, QA Cafe, Jira,
  • Knowledge of VoIP,
  • Python scripting abilities,
  • ISTQB and/or CCNA certification.

This is how we organize our work

This is how we work

  • in house
  • you focus on a single project at a time
  • you can change the project
  • you have influence on the choice of tools and technologies
  • you have influence on the technological solutions applied
  • you have influence on the product
  • you focus on product development

This is how we work on a project

  • Clean Code
  • code review
  • design patterns
  • BDD
  • TDD
  • architect / technical leader support
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Integration
  • DevOps
  • team-level deployment
  • active monitoring
  • documentation
  • issue tracking tools
  • integration tests
  • test automation
  • unit tests

Development opportunities we offer

  • external training
  • industry-specific e-learning platforms
  • intracompany training
  • space for experimenting
  • substantive support from technological leaders
  • technical knowledge exchange within the company
  • time for development of your ideas

What we offer

  • We do exceptional things: over 28 years on the market and created products for over 200 global and leading Pay-TV and broadband operators. We do it in cooperation with technology leaders – our products are among the first in the market with local network Wi-Fi 7 devices,
  • We offer true challenges in your daily work, utilizing and creating top-notch technology. Want proof? We’ve patented around 400 solutions and our products are used by nearly a million users,
  • Our team consists of extremely experienced, highly qualified subject-matter Experts: 90% of us have a university degree and some are Ph.D.!
  • At ADB you can change a job without changing your employer. Our employees are promoted, expand competencies, change projects and teams, participate in internal recruitment, and relocate to other ADB offices,
  • We work globally – ADB teams are based in Europe, the US and Asia; our leading language is English,
  • We are diverse – ADB is committed to providing equal opportunities to everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical ability, or any other characteristic protected by law. What’s more, our company is a signatory to the Women’s Empowerment Principles,
  • We promote a learning culture because improving skills is an important part of our lives -ADB employees spend 2 hours of work per week on self-development using: Udemy courses, English lessons, internal and external training, other tools agreed upon with the supervisor,
  • We care about the health of our employees and their families. The company subsidizes: medical care (individual or family), group life insurance, sports card,
  • We are open to various forms of cooperation, depending on your needs.


  • sharing the costs of sports activities
  • private medical care
  • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
  • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
  • life insurance
  • flexible working time
  • integration events
  • coffee / tea
  • drinks
  • parking space for employees
  • employee referral program
  • charity initiatives
  • 2 hours per week on self-development

Recruitment stages

  • First screening with our Recruiter
  • Tech Interview
  • Meeting with the manager

ADB Polska Sp. z o.o.

We are ADB

We are a system integration expert. Focused on the future. Proud about the past. Together we create a unique ADB ecosystem, where people, culture and technology drive reality and create new experiences of Video Entertainment and Broadband Connectivity all over the world.

We are the people

250+ employees | 75% engineers | 100% experts | 200 customers worldwide

We are the culture

ADB Teams in Europe, US and Asia | 4 generations | 1 language: English | 4 common values: INNOVATION, NEW IDEAS, THINKING OUT-OF-THE BOX, WILLINGNESS TO HELP AND TO LEARN NEW THINGS

We are technology

R&D sites in Europe, US and Asia | 65M CPEs deployed | 1000 software releases | 100 complex deployments | Solutions for Personal TV, Business TV and Broadband | 400 patents | 100 different HW platforms | ’’A’’ class IT security rating

And WE KNOW HOW to integrate your needs with our possibilities

Klikając w przycisk „Aplikuj” lub w inny sposób wysyłając zgłoszenie rekrutacyjne, zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych przez ADB Polska Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w: Trasa Północna 16, 65-119 Zielona Góra (Pracodawca), jako administratora danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia rekrutacji na stanowisko wskazane w ogłoszeniu.
Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w oparciu o następujące podstawy prawne: (a) aby podjąć działania na Twoje żądanie przed zawarciem umowy (np. informacje o oczekiwanym wynagrodzeniu i dostępności do rozpoczęcia pracy); (b) w oparciu o nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes (np. imię, nazwisko, data urodzenia, dane kontaktowe, wykształcenie, kwalifikacje zawodowe, przebieg dotychczasowego zatrudnienia); c) w oparciu o Twoją zgodę, która wyrażona jest poprzez przeslanie dokumentów aplikacyjnych zawierających takie informacje jak np. wizerunek czy zainteresowania.
Podanie wszystkich danych osobowych, o których mowa powyżej jest dobrowolne, natomiast dane wymienione w lit. a) i b) są niezbędne do wzięcia udziału w rekrutacji. Niepodanie danych skutkuje brakiem możliwości rozpatrzenia kandydatury. Podanie pozostałych danych jest dobrowolne, ale może pomóc w sprawnym przeprowadzeniu procesu rekrutacji.
Masz prawo żądać dostępu do Twoich danych (w tym uzyskania ich kopii), sprostowania danych, ich usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, przeniesienia, jak również wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec ich przetwarzania. Masz także prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.
Twoje dane osobowe mogą zostać przekazane dostawcom usługi publikacji ogłoszeń o pracę, dostawcom systemów do zarządzania rekrutacjami, dostawcom usług IT (hosting), dostawcom systemów informatycznych.
Podane przez Ciebie dane osobowe nie będą wykorzystywane w celu profilowania albo podejmowania decyzji w sposób zautomatyzowany.
Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane przez okres maks. 1 roku od zakończenia publikacji ogłoszenia, chyba, że wyraziłeś odrębną zgodę na wykorzystanie Twoich danych osobowych w przyszłych rekrutacjach.
W celu realizacji praw lub w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z przetwarzaniem Twoich danych osobowych skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem: compliance@adbglobal.com.

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